What is the guaranteed lifetime of the UV lamp?

  • Lamp life estimates depend on the print mode used, the duty cycle of the printer, and the lamp intensity settings. This document is intended only as a guideline for average lamp life. The usage times below represent average UV lamp life.

1. The UV LED device which is mounted on the side of Print Head Carriage:

After 10000 hours, UV irradiation intensity will be reduced 30% compared to brand new lamp.

Rough indication to replace it:
A message “Replace UV Lamp” appears once per 2000 hours.
However, if the print result can be cured enough, you can keep using the current UV Lamp device.
You need to replace it when the print result turns to uncured.
Please contact service to replace the UV lamp unit.

2. The Post Cure Unit:
After 1000 hours, UV irradiation intensity will be reduced 30% compared to brand new lamp.

Rough indication to replace it:
A message “Replace P Cure Lamp” appears once per 1000 hours.
However, if the print result can be cured enough, you can keep using the current UV Lamp device.
You need to replace it when the print result turns to uncured or the lamp tube can not be turned on.
You can replace the UV fluorescent light tube by yourself.

It is also possible to print a print pattern to check the ink cure quality.
You can refer to the following manual.
Operation Manual 』-[Chapter 4]-[Checking UV ink curing level] 

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